File1, 2, & 3 for jarchie2:
Good afternoon, I am just learnig how to use vi editor. I have learned a lot. In just two days of taking this class. I am excited to see where this class goes through the semester. On the first day of class we learned the about networks and the background of how and why they operate. We learned how eithernet and the internet evolved over time and how it used now with fiber opitc cables. We learned about the intenet backbone and how it is run by Tier 1 Networks. On the second day of class we learned about the basics of Vi editor. I used the vi Tutor to learn the basics. Such as movement. J is to move down, k is to move up, h is used to move left, and l is used to move right. I you would like to edit something already existing you press i to enter the insert mode. Then you press escape to exit that mode. If you want to save and exit press :wq. That is what I learned over the pass three days.
AITP for the year of 2020-2021. This upcoming year for AITP I will be the president. So I am typing out ideas that I would like to implement. Ffirst, I would like to make a discord for our community. Second, I am going to extend all paid memberships by a semester to compensate for what members missed last semester. Finally, I want to be a bit ahead on our events, to have better attendance. The reason I want to make a discord is to have a platform where everyone can go to get the latest news on the club. I also want to start a community where students can interact and work on group projext without having to set up a zoom meeting or having to find a room in the libary. This can save them time and be able to ask questions to people in the discord if they are lost. For the compenstation of last semesters member fees I thought it was only fair. Being that we could not hold any events. Also they were not able to get shirts for that semester. So it is only fair to extend everybodies membership. I hope this year of AITP goes well.
My topic for the website project is going to be on the ps5. With the new console coming out this fall I thought having all the news and rumors. With the event happening today I thought it would be good amount of info. I think this topic will be easy to cover and be enjoyable. I have been following playstation since I was little. So being able to work on it now is awesome. I will be post my opinons and have forumn for people to give their suggestions and ideas about whgat the console will be like. I think there will be lot to cover after June 6, since they are doing a whole presentation on it. I also might do a section on the Xbox Series X. So I have different look on the events going on. Also to see how the specs compare. So we can see what is the better purchase overall for the consumer. I personally don't know which will win the hype for when they come out.
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Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…